Size |
Circumference below kneecap (with leg extended) |
XS - M | 31 - 41 cm |
M - XXL | 41 - 45 cm |
Comfort and function
Sports with a sudden change of direction or quick start-stop movements put a lot of strain on your knee joints. If you notice pain at and below the kneecap, this may be an indication of overstimulation of the patellar tendon. However, such overstimulation is not always triggered by sporting activity. Occupational activities in which the knees are bent for long periods of time can also put strain on the patellar tendon.
Q BABY™ is made from the Ultima 2sL™ high-tech material from BioSkin™ and is velvety soft. It has a soft silicone pad that supports your kneecap and relieves pressure on the patellar tendon.
- Easy handling
- Velcro fastener can be used freely for individual size adjustment
- Specially shaped silicone pad
- 100% neoprene and latex-free
- Irritation of the patellar tendon
- Patella guidance disorders